Monday, March 23, 2009

Which subject did you like best back in school?

I liked the English best when I was in middle school. I was born in a small town. Unfourtunatly, I couldn't. If I leraned English earlier, I could speak English better.

Anyway, which subject did you like best when you were in school?
Could you tell me and why?


  1. My favorite subject.... ?

    Guess!!! I'll count ten seconds.

    Can you guess?
    I loved numbers and the math.
    But now I didn't like the mathe any more.
    But I sometimes enjoy the game of sudoku.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I used to like Society(especially history and geography) the most. In my memory(I'm not sure)I was really good at memorize and analyze somthing. But now, I totally forgot that I learned and I'm poor at common sense..^^;;

  4. Chemistry. ^^
    Because all students except me were not good at chemistry, so the chemistry teacher always liked me. I was really happy when they gave a positive reward.. ^^ So I had studied a chemistry really hard. I wannted to major in chemistry but I couldn't. And I had to choose a minor in university I chose the science. But after graduation my interest was ended. ^^

  5. once I wanted to be history scholar. I love history especilly euroupeans. And geography is also the subject I loved. I liked art class but was poor at drawings and making. I enjoyed appriciation the master pieces of great artists!

  6. Hi Sophie,
    It's interesting to me that I loved English in school but now I'm much more interested in science. I think that I had better English teachers than science teachers.
