Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's the ideal age for starting to study English?

My dauhter is 6 years old. ( actually 53months old)
She sometimes talks to me in English.
What's the ideal age for starting to study English?


  1. nice to meet you sophie.
    Actually you're daughter is better than my daughter. I let her study since 4years old she seldom speak English.
    She's only focused on making up on her face.
    My future is gloomy.

  2. Maybe, In a mother's womb.^^
    I think English is like music.
    And if a baby is exposed to English in a mom's womb, the baby might think of English as just fun music.

    Earlier, better.

  3. same with hannah. earlier is better. but i think 5~6 years are could be the best time. after learning han-geul.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think 6 years old is proper age to study english. not too young and not too old.

    Good luck to your daughter ^^;;

  6. I agree to aboved opinions.

    If I have a child in 5 years old, I will start to make the environment to be exposed to English .

    You're good at English, so your daughter follow in your footsteps.

    Have a happy weekend!!

  7. Hi Sophie,
    I think different people have a talent for second languages so that a child who seems to excel in communication should start early but those that don't communicate well probably shouldn't waste their time trying to learn a second language.
